20GRIT overview
20GRIT is in several Major International Publications, they have been seen in: Rolling Stone, Guitar World, Revolver, Hails & Horns, Bam Magazine, Your Music Magazine, Bam Magazine and Zero Magazine.
20GRIT is in Rolling Stone magazine year book 2007 December 27, 2007-January 10, 2008 Issue 1042/1043 140 Pages YEARBOOK 2007 SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE On the Cover:
Jay-Z l Keith Richards & Johnny Depp l Bruce Springsteen l Hunter S. Thompson l Rosario Dawson & Rose McGowan l 50 Cents & Kanye West l Amy Winehouse l The Police l Fall Out Boy l James Brown l Zac Efron l Kid Rock HOT REPUBLICAN GAY SEX! ROCK STAR MELTDOWNS! 100 BEST SONGS 50 BEST ALBUMS PETER TRAVERS' TOP 10 MOVIES BARACK OBAMA CORMAC McCARTHY BILL MAHER